About the Journal

:University of Sinnar Journal

is a refereed journal, issued every six months . It publishes research papers, scientific articles and research notes in all disciplines of sciences.. Reviewed articles may be considered for publication provided that they are well- focused, and provide critical evaluation of the published literature. Articles sent for publication must be original reports of research not simultaneously sent to ,nor previously published else where  Materials submitted for publication will be held to imply that it is offered to Sinnar University Journal of Arts and Sciences exclusively , and will be reviewed and edited to meet its standards  .

Articles will be accepted in English or Arabic with both English and Arabic abstract . Three copies of a typed manuscript with wide margins  on the four sides of the paper should be submitted to the editor –in- chief . Every page should be  numbered at the bottom centre consecutively using Arabic numbers. Manuscript should not exceed 15 double- spaced pages .

 Manuscript may be returned for revision, before peer review, if they deviate substantially from SUJ format and style , and or are poorly written, difficult to interpret or unnecessary long. Manuscripts considered for publication are forwarded to two or more referees for evaluation. Comments from the referees and the editor- in- chief or both will be forwarded to the corresponding author .The manuscript which is not recommended for publication will be returned to the corresponding author.

 After the final revisions have been made, a double- spaced copy of the revised manuscript should be submitted in two forms: a printed copy and another one on a compatible computer diskette

  The editorial board assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed in the papers .


 Manuscripts should be typewritten or word processed on one side of A4 paper, doubled- spaced and free from errors. The main sections of a paper ( apart from reviews and notes ) should include: Abstract , Introduction , Materials and methods , Results , Discussion (Results and  Discussion should be presented under separate sections ) References ,and Abstract in the opposite language on a separate page. Each title of a section should be centered and in upper- case bolded letter.


   Should be clear , concise , specific and descriptive , typed in upper-  and lower  – case letters . The title should be followed by the full name(s)of the author(s) . First and last (family) name(s) of the author(s) should be fully written with initials for middle names .If there is any chance of confusion, use full names instead of initials. Academic degrees or titles should not be used. Authors names should be listed in the order of importance to work being reported or else in alphabetical order, and followed by affiliation address.


 Should be in one paragraph, short usually less than 250 words, condensed, stand on its own and is intelligible in itself . Does not contain reference to the literature, nor reference to tables and figures.  Summarizing the objective of the study, materials and methods, principal results and their significance

Key words of the  subject research:


  Should be relatively short, not more than two type-written pages and describe the importance of the work, the problem, and how to solve it from similar cases cited in literature . In general, it tells why the reader should find the paper of interest, why the author carried out the research, and give the background that the reader needs to appreciate and judge the paper.  This should be followed by the objective(s) of the study

Materials and Methods:

 This section contains a full description of what was done and how it was done: experiments, treatments, replications, data collection, and statistical design.


   Principal findings of research should be presented using the past tense .Numerical data presented in tables need not be restated in detail in the text, mean only may be used.  Tables and figures should be placed on the appropriate position as near as possible to the place where they are referred to in the text, numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers and with titles at the top.  Refer to tables by their numbers (table1, table 2,) not by their position in the text (the above, below, following table).  Presenting too large tables should be avoided.  Citing references in the text using Number- Year System, e.g. (Rogers, 2003), or Rogers (2003) depending on the structure of the sentence. Personal communications are cited in the text e.g.  Everret M. Rogers (personal communication).  Unpublished reports are cited in the text in the same way as personal communications e.g., (Everret M. Rogers 2009, unpublished report)


 Should judge, estimate and assess the scientific value and practical significance of the result with reference to available information in literature, showing agreements and disagreements with previous work.


 Sound recommendations should be based on the results obtained.  Future researches may be suggested.


 Harvard Style should include all sources referred to in the manuscript, up to date and arrange alphabetically by senior author.  Personal communications are not included in the reference list.


Abstract in the opposite language should be placed after the references on a separate page.